Fabric 102 - Central Gaulish glazed ware (St Remy-en-Rollat)

Hard fabric with sparse well-sorted quartz, red-brown iron rich inclusions and red-brown quartz-rich clay pellets, all measuring <0.4mm (Tomber and Dore 1998, 52).
White or cream fabric.

Wheel-thrown; occasionally mould-made
Translucent lead glaze varying from pale yellow-green to dark olive green in colour. Use of applied motifs, moulded or barbotine decoration on some vessels.
Allier Valley (Central Gaul), FRANCE
Produced at two sites - the Allier Valley and Lezoux. The majority of vessels found in Britain were produced in the former at St Remy-en-Rollat/Vichy. The ware is found throughout northern France, the Rheinland and western Switzerland. In Britain, distribution is widespread but sparse (Tyers 1996, 141). A single sherd from a beaker was identified at Blackwardine, Herefordshire (Rees 1990, 399).
2 related kilns
Roman (1st century AD)
Generally of mid 1st century in Britain.

Surface treatment
Translucent pale yellow-green to dark olive green lead glaze.

Core colour
DB ID Modified Description Frequency Size Sorting Rounding
215 0 Quartz Sparse Fine Well-sorted
216 0 Iron-rich pellets Sparse Fine Well-sorted
217 0 Clay pellets Sparse Fine Well-sorted